How to Choose Colors For your home interiors
Colors of an Interior space also can vary according to the Aspect of the room, Size of the room & most important use/function of the room.

Guidelines For Various Interiors
1. The Aspect of the Room
2. The Size of the Room
3. The Function of the Room
1. The Aspect of the Room
North-facing Rooms – seems cold all the time but the light remains constant . Lack of sunshine may be counted by using , bright , warm colors, avoid white. It look grey, deep, warm colors create an exciting look.

South-facing Rooms – Receive the whitest light & colors remains constant. Almost any color is suitable. Cool colors will help to cool it down.

East-facing Rooms – Suffers from changing light & only seeing warm in the morning . It is good idea to combine warm & cool colors but avoid cool colors is the aspect is NE.

West-facing Rooms – Suffers from changing light & are warmer in the afternoon. Warm & Cool colors can be combined .

2. The Size of the Room
The size of the room is an important consideration in color planning because colors help to make a narrow room look Under , a larger room look cosier, it can make the most of a Small room, make the ceiling look higher or reduce room height.
The qualities of hard color tend to make surfaces, such as walls , look nearer than they actually are while , cool colors well tend to cause them to recede. The more the color of an object approximates to its back-ground , the more the objects appears to recede towards the background ,the nearer the color seems to be.
Increasing Room size
1.Use cool colors or use pastels, which are warmer.
2.Reduce the amount of furniture
3. Use neutrals to create spacious effect.
4.Limit the no. of colors one is best for all.
5.A diagonally patterned paper will make a room larger and longer.
6.Paint the wall & the ceiling the same color will create a spacious look.
7.Reflective materials on the wall enlarge a room.
8.Unity helps to create space.
Reducing Room size
1.Add more furniture ,the more there is the smaller the room looks.
2.Use warm colors which appears to be nearer than they actually are.
3.Paint one wall in bright colors, it will seem to advance.
4.Strong color on one wall ,contrasting with the other , will bring the strong colored wall closer.
5.Light walls and a dark ceiling will make a room more intimate.
6.Darker side walls with lighter ceilings & other walls will narrow a room.
7.Warm colors and a paper with a fussy pattern make a room seem smaller.
3. The Function of the Room
Whereas color plays an active part in determining the character ,aspect or size of the room , it plays a passive part so far as the function of the room is concerned .
Living Room :- Colors may be used to set a mood , with the Trend color of the moment introduced by Cushions & other accents.

Dining Room :- Dinning rooms are used for such a short period That they can make a strong statement. Rich , Dark colors are inviting ,bright primaries can be recommended for family eating subtle pastels Will provide thing charm.
Blue will provide a good background because it contrasts with most food and improve their appearance.

Bed Room :- In Bedroom one should avoid stimulating colors and Aggressive colors. A bedroom needs to be relaxing use cool colors and Its various shades.

When designing a room, we also have to consider the color contrast. Contrast if the difference in luminace and/or color that makes an object - or its representation - distinguishable. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]Johannes Itten was one of the first people to define and identify strategies for successful color combinations. So, he found out that there are seven kinds of contrast.
1. Contrast of hue The greater the distance between hues on a color wheel, the greater the contrast. A great is example is black-white or even yelllow -red-blue.

2. Contrast light-dark It is based on the use of different brightness and tone values of the colors. All colors can be lightened with white, and darkened with black. Example: black-white or yellow - violet.

3. Contrast cold-warm It´s greatest effect is achieved with the colors orange-red and blue-green.

Warm colors are made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all. They are considered warm because they make you think of sunlight and heat. Warm colors are used to make large rooms cozier.

Cool colors, such as blue, green and light purple have the ability to calm and soothe and they remind us of water and sky. They are great for small room to seem larger.

Using the cold-warm contrast brings balance to room. So, if you want your room to be cozy, have warm colours as the dominant ones and add a few elements with cool colors to balance them / or vice versa.
4. Complementary contrast In the color wheel, the complementary colors occupy opposite positions. When they are mixed, the result is a neutral grey-black. When adjacent, complementary colors mutually intensify their luminosity. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]Example: Yellow-violet Blue -orange Red-green

5. Simultaneous contrast (optical illusion) Its effect is derived from the law of complementary colors, according to which each pure color physiologically demands its opposite color – its complement. If this color is absent, the eye will produce it simultaneously. Strong green makes neutral grey next to it appear reddish-grey, whereas the effect of strong red on the same grey is a greenish-grey appearance.

6. Contrast of saturation
This is a contrast between luminous and dull colors. Colors can be subdued by the addition of black, white, grey or complementary colors.

7. Contrast of extention/quantity
It involves the proportion of colors used. Two factors determine the force of a pure color> its brilliance or lightness of value and its extent.
